Naomi Watts

Full name : Naomi Ellen Watts

Born : 28 September, Shoreham, Kent, England, UK

Occupation: Actress

Years active: 1986–present

Partner: Liev Schreiber (2005–present); 2 children

Naomi Watts - Elie Music Video

In 2002, she was included in People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People. In 2006, Watts became a goodwill ambassador for Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, which helps to raise awareness of AIDS-related issues. She has participated in several fundraisers for the cause, and she is presented as an inaugural member of AIDS Red Ribbon Awards.

Naomi Watts pictures

Films with Naomi Watts

For Love Alone (1986), Hey Dad..! (1990), Flirting (1991), Home and Away (1991), Brides of Christ (1991), Wide Sargasso Sea (1993), Matinee (1993), Tank Girl (1995), Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996), Bermuda Triangle (1996), Under the Lighthouse Dancing (1997), Dangerous Beauty (1998), Sleepwalkers (1998), Babe: Pig in the City (1998), Christmas Wish (1998), The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer (1999), Strange Planet (1999), Wyvern Mystery (2000), Never Date an Actress (2001), Ellie Parker (2001), Down (2001), Mulholland Drive (2001), Rabbits (2002), The Ring (2002), Undertaking Betty (2002), The Outsider (2002), Ned Kelly (2003), Divorce (2003), 21 Grams (2003), We Don't Live Here Anymore (2004), I Heart Huckabees (2004), Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004), The Ring Two (2005), Stay (2005), Ellie Parker (2005), King Kong (2005), Inland Empire (2006), Painted Veil (2006), Eastern Promises (2007), Funny Games (2008), The International (2009), Mother and Child (2010), You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010), Fair Game (2010), Dream House (2011), J. Edgar (2011), Movie 43 (2012), The Impossible (2012) and film Diana.

Naomi Watts

Naomi Ellen Watts is an famous English-Australian actress and celebrity. Naomi Watts began her occupation in Australian television, where she appears in saleable and series, counting the soap opera Home and Away, Brides of Christ and the family sitcom Hey Dad. Her film debut was the 1986 drama For Love Alone. Her following portrayals included roles in B-class movies, such as the 1996 horror film Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering, as well as roles in television and independent films.

Naomi Watts sexy celebrity

Watts was in a relationship with director Stephen Hopkins in the 1990s and actor Heath Ledger from August 2002 to May 2004. Since the spring of 2005, Watts has been in a relationship with actor Liev Schreiber.
